Who We Are

ACDI is a branch of New Harvest Missions International based in Togo. It is a registered Christian non-governmental organization working in Togo West Africa. ACDI serves the poor through faith-based, holistic community development. We nurture personal and community transformation, economic and social development as we strive to alleviate extreme physical and spiritual poverty in Togo, West Africa and beyond. We work along-side the local church providing microloans to help communities work their way out of poverty. By providing micro-credit, communities and people are enabled to develop small businesses to support their families, place their children in school and improve family health.

Our Vision

  • To see people living life to the full, understanding that the actions one takes today, will greatly impact it live tomorrow.
  • Produce Christian entrepreneurs and business leaders who are committed to improving the quality of life in local communities by creating and fostering new business opportunities.
  • Businesses created to provide employment for the poor and generate income to support their local communities.
  • Mobilizing Christian communities to work among the poor
  • Raised up local Christian leaders to lead their churches and communities responsibly
  • Establish a strategic partnership with other existing ministries to facilitates more and better church planting movement in Togo and beyond
  • To grow churches across denominations through effective evangelism and gospel centered discipleship that produces both conversion and subsequent transformation of the whole person, whole families, and whole cultures and communities.

Our Mission

As Christian organization, our activities is based on love for God and for our neighbors. We are therefore committed to the holistic development of people and communities through the local church. We value each person as an individual in the sight of God and man. We therefore committed to various programs to achieve our goals.

Distinctiveness of ACDI

West African National Leadership. All our staff, workers and leaders are West African nationals with a burning passion to take the gospel to their own communities and peoples.  ACDI believes that missionary work should not be done only by Western believers and churches. We seek to see West Africa church leaders take responsibility for their own gospel challenges as they pray and work to establish viable and sustainable churches in their various communities.

Our Values and Principles

God-centered. We seek as our ultimate mission to exalt the supremacy of God in all things among all West African nations for the joy of all peoples and the honor and glory of His name.

Kingdom-minded. God's ultimate purpose is the restoration of His entire cosmos and the creation of a new heavens and new earth. Our ultimate goal is not merely to plant churches and raise up worshipers among all nations, but also to bring about the spiritual and cultural transformation of all nations, thereby making God’s invisible kingdom visible in every sphere of life.

Church-focused. We believe God has ordained that His kingdom come on earth through His visible Church. Our ministry focus is therefore the establishment and strengthening of indigenous, healthy, growing and reproducing churches. Ultimately West Africa will become a sending and church-planting force in other nations in other parts of the world.

Our Partners