Created since March 2011 in Togo, the Biblical and Theological institute of west Africa (IBTAO), is the initiative of the Christian NGO ACDI, to form Christian leaders capable to, not only assure the development of their ministries but also the one of their members. This Institute is created to answer the problem of adequate biblical and theological training that some of French-speaking countries like Togo faces.
Courses are given by extension in an intensive session 3 to 4 times in the year. Every session lasts 2 weeks whose dates are communicated in advance to students in beginning of the year and several weeks in case of modifications. Lecturers are foreigners coming from USA, France and national ones from Togo.
The institute delivers university degree, masters and vocational certificates for those that don't have baccalaureate level. It is open for all people anxious to become an efficient servant for God's work; to all pastors wanting to deepen their knowledge and to acquire university degrees. However it would be necessary to be engaged in a local church and to be recommended by his pastor or direct and hierarchical responsible.
To succeed in this mission for the glory of God, IBTAO pursues some following specific objectives:
1. To contribute qualitatively to the emergent of an African and biblical theology.
2. To offer a holistic training combining orthodoxy and orthopraxy (theory & practice).
3. To blow a new dynamic process of autonomy to the African church in biblical and theological training.
4. To promote a strong university level training for God's servants for the various evangelical ministries.
A new site is under construction at segbe in Lomé, in order to be able to transfer the institute that was before in the local of the ACDI. It will allow the student pastors to be near of their family and their members while following their courses.