In his framework of public awareness whose goal is to inform the public and rich country opinions on the endemic poverty that destroyed some country in development, ACDI has organized a day of education and sensitive on the virus disease called " Ebola ", this September 20th , 2014 in the local church of Global Evangelical Church at Apédokoe.

This education has been made by Doctor John Sexton, from “Mission to the World” in the United States; the beginning of this Ebola hemorrhage fever is unknown but would come from the Eastern and Central Africa and probably carried to West Africa by fruits bats. This virus is a very small microbe that could lead to death. Once in the body it may take 2 to 21 days before the person feels sick; then you are very contagious.

How can a person be infected?

Animals notably bats are carriers of Ebola’s virus. A person can be infected if she has contacts with an already contaminated person; the virus survives in liquids as blood, sweat, saliva, vomits, urine, the diarrhea and stools, breast milk and semen. Even there is a risk of contamination being in contact with a dead body killed by Ebola,

Signs and symptoms

The first signs of Ebola are fever with sometimes body and joint pains, severe weakness and headache, sore throat, bloody vomits and diarrheas. Bleedings can appear to different places of the body: conjunctive, nose, mouth, genitals. After this stage the person becomes very sick and death is probable. Most of people sick of Ebola die; some are healed and particularly those that have been taken in charge precociously.

How not to catch it

The Ebola hemorrhage fever is an extremely contagious disease. The way to avoid it is to keep a distance of all sick or dead person; do not touch any bodily liquids (blood, sweat, saliva, vomits, urine, diarrhea and stools, breast milk and semen); often wash hands with soaps; do not touch bush meats, cook the meat in depth; and avoid fruits that bats have eaten.

It is recalled that there is no cure for Ebola, and it does not have a specific treatment, but a symptomatic treatment is rather instituted in Ebola’ s centers which increases the chance of survival.

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